On this side, you can find all important Informations about our long Years exist Cattery, Rules of sale, and some more.
My 2nd Husband, Thorsten and me, thats the workers bejond the cattery. the breeding begun 1984, with a independence Catclub in Germany, with a German registation “vom Walkhäuschen “. Persians. nearly 10 Years i was involved in “Cairmanchip” to be organize Catshows,German Standard, Was something like Masterclerc (Chefsteward.).
The Time of the cattery Vibrations going uppon 1990 til 1994, with independence cat Club, one of a big ones. after beeing not more feel comfortable, 1995, we make our CFA registration, we do with our cattery name “Vibrations”, that means “Good vibes “
We start, as one of the first Typefull Persians in Germany and Europe., with a legend of Cat. GC. Kitclass Top Gun of Vibrations. He make years the best dilutes Kittens in Europe. with many many Throphys, Best over All. Awards, Best Cats of Year,. ect. A Milestone in Europe in good Persians.. After him, a wonderfull cat meets our Story.. Tombrocks Supertramp, from Salvatore, Tombrock Cattery. i adore this Black Boy, until he Die.
After nearly 25 Years breeding of Persians, and some Exotic, we feel sadley more and more uncomfortable with this breed in the German “conclusions” in this typy cats. Many Press and inridicule Intrigues, of the persians, shows, that we are not longer possible to breed this outstanding cats.
But as, some one maybe know, when you breed a long time, your heartbeat, whants to breed further.
So we saw in USa on a show a outstanding Breed. The American Wirehair. This breed have fascinatet us totaly.
As I`m too a allergic people, it was very good, that the cat will be a less allergy Breed.
2007 we finaly found our breedstock in USA.
Our cats are not sel on any allergic household. Our cats, are not sell as an try and error, we need before a test from a doc.. send hairs. and only the ok from your doc will give the adoption on a cat, in the case, you are have an allergy.
It was a start of a new aera in europe. It was tricky to find boys, for making a breeding mate. A few times we shipp our cats a long way, to mate them. This was not the plan, so we Buy a Boy for us self.Last but not least a outstanding boy comes over to germany. GC. Tabbytalk Maximus.. a Dream of a Male. he will be find in many pedigrees here..It was the best decide to have this Boy here..
Our breeding gets now startet better and better. With 11 years he have found neutered a wonderful retired home. After him, a 2nd wonderful Male goes 2014 to germany. GC. Cacao in the Twist of Vibrations , ( Breeder C. Altschul, USA ) an American Wirehair. He was until 2019 our male for Breeding.
after his retireing, we got an outstanding Boy out of Russia, Moskow. Breeder Ekatarina Kanatova, GC.Inverness Bobby Brown of Vibrations.. he is actual one of my best Boys, and still our breeding male!
But Ekatarina, have given us a second wonderfull boy, to make an outcross to our girls.
SGC.RW.WC. Inverness Hero
a wonderfull addition for our wirehairs. He still have produced outstanding offspring, and now he will be have a home as abeloved ritired couchpatato.
about the smal genpool, that the american wirehaire have, we needed from time to time an outcross, CFA are only allowed ASH. We respect the rules, and we work further to be one of the best AWH breeders.
As well all adopptantes needs to hold on our thermes of sale.
No cat/ kitten will sell, as a singleton cat. min 1 cat needs to be in the house too.
No cageholding. not declaw cat Kitten,
No free uncontroled Running in area, only a saved yard, or balkony is accepptet.
we dont sell any cat, kitten ,in a privat home (breeding/ show, is excludet ) that is not spay or neutered,
Shipping, is possible. we dont like cargo, preferded is personal delivery.
Cats be all on actual health standard, include Respiratory ( english für katzenschnupfenkomplex ) , and Rabbies vaccines. also Mycoplasma free, and checked , and all other health and inner and outside parasites, like Tritricomonas Foetus, Giardia,. Free of any desease. Most cats are checked by a Special cardiologic Vet, one of the best in Europe, Vethospital Duisburg,Germany Dr. Kresken.
as the rules, that International given, all cats that are sold