
Here are all cats and Kittens that actual are available. For Shipping and more Details see on Info or send Mail

Mailadress: helen@vibrations-cats.de FB: HelenZ.VibrationsCats .

We are waiting on new kittens in spring

Vibrations Tommy Hilfinger, Am Wirehair, silver Mc Tabby White, male, free

Vibrations Tim Taylor, ASH, Silver Mc.Tabby White, Reserved to France
Vibrations Timothy Dalton, AWH, Silver mc Tby White, male, Reserved for USA

Patents are : Vibrations Dahlia & BW.RW. GC. Inveress Bobby Brown

Vibrations Happy Hope, Silver MC. Tabby, female, Am.Wirehair
Vibrations Twistet Hayley, Silver Classic Tabby White, Female, Am. Wirehair
Vibrations Harpers Bazzar , Silver MC Tabby White, Male, Am.Wirehair
Vibrations Harley Davidson, Silver Classic Tabby, Male, Am.Wirehair
Vibrations Hardey Krueger, AWH straight / ASH ,silver Tabby MC White

Parents are: Vibrations Tirami Sue & BW.RW.GC. Inverness Bobby Brown

Vibrations Dahlia, Spay, searching for a new Home..

Ch.Vibrations Pacito, Grandpointet. American Wirehair

Available as Pet, or for Premiership, neutered

lovely calming Boy.

for actual pics, send Mail, please